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Lesson 5



Group 1

  • 4 well-written lines with good contrasts in melody and rhythm

  • Explore rearranging the order of your lines

  • Consider changing dynamics e.g. 'devices fading gradually' (word painting!)

  • Think about how to use different articulation e.g. staccato when repeating the sound 'ch ch ch'


Group 2

  • 2 strong lines to start this verse

  • Could the next 2 lines explore a different online game? Or something about the technology that is used to play these games?

  • Explore different melodies/tunes for the next 2 lines, e.g. singing up or down a scale instead of repeating the same pitch


Composition Group Feedback on Verses


Group 3

  • 2 strong lines to start this verse

  • Could the next 2 lines explore other sounds that you can hear in the house? Do you see anything on this journey?

  • Could you use word painting to echo any words, e.g. 'hallway, hallway'?


Group 4

  • Great use of both melody and spoken word

  • When repeating words ('Hey Google') could you explore different ways to perform the second time? E.g. change the dynamics (loud/soft) or texture (solo voice first, then others join in the repeat?)

  • Could you add some percussive sounds to the spoken word part of your verse? ('boop, boop') e.g. finger clicks or taps

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